Friday, May 18, 2012

45 days and counting!

45 more days until I leave for Togo, Africa!!!

At the end of April I received an e-mail from Roger at MASTER Provisions with the info on our itinerary for Togo! I was so excited to see the flight schedule, it was just another step completed towards Africa! And last week I sent in my passport and visa application so please pray that that will be approved without a glitch.

Also, Roger sent a short description of each of the 9 people on our team going to Togo :) I can't wait to meet everyone. On Monday we are having a conference call with everyone so then I will be officially "meet" the 4 other ladies I'm not acquainted with yet :) We will be discussing the trip in more detail and brainstorming for the evangelistic outreach. Everyone on this trip lives in Kentucky besides myself and my friend who is going, and we're from WA :) We will be meeting up with part of the team on our connecting flight in Paris, France.

On the funds front I have just $1,000 more left to raise! Praise the Lord! I'm so blessed and thankful for the people who have become part of this mission through their donations! Thank you! I'm also extremely blessed by the prayer support as well!

Prayer requests:

  • God will provide the remaining funds for this mission trip.
  • Our visa applications will be approved.
  • God would blessed our time on the conference call on Monday. Discussing the trip and work on lessons for our evangelistic outreach to the women and children in Togo.
  • That everyone will be given ample amount of peace and calm as the travel dates get closer.
  • All other arrangements, packing, etc. will fall into place smoothly for everyone.
  • May all hearts become teachable for what God will be doing in Togo.
  • Pray for the director in Togo, Daniel Kpowbie, who will be our team leader.
  • Pray for Roger Babik leading MP's first trip to Togo.
  • Continue praying for the people in Togo who we will be engaged with that God will begin working on their hearts.
  • May we focus on actively being on mission with the gospel.

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Love in Christ,
Isaiah 26:3