Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Visa Approved!

Got my passport back from the South African Embassy and inside was my visitors visa approved for 6 months :) God is good! This was one of the last things I was waiting for. Now I basically just have to pack and get on the plane in than 3 weeks.
God is never failing in continually providing for so many ways! It seems unbelievable...overwhelming...impossible. But that is God! I received many donations of clothing from GCC for the kids at Lambano and I have enough to take to them :)
And finally through all support from my family and friends I have enough funds for my trip. Praise the Lord again! Thank you for all your prayers and support. I praise God for working through you and I know that the people and kids at Lambano will too. In my final weeks of preparation I plan to use every opportunity to soak up God's Word so I can fully focus on what His plan is for me during my time in SA.
Merry Christmas everyone! God bless you during his time of celebrating Christ's birth.
Love in Christ,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reguarding Journeys in this Life

We all have a journey in this life. Everyone's is different from another. God equips each individual specially to go on their journey. Though it may be a disease they live with, a particular calling, etc. As Christians we all have one journey that is the same for all of us and that is sharing the gospel and living it out.
One month from today I will be beginning another part of a journey that started over 10 years ago. Started with a divine calling... some may not believe in that; I do, and that doesn't make me any more better than another. I know in the deepest part of me that this is what I have to do and I can't describe it. I'm not going to South Africa for attention or an adventure. I'm going simply because God told me to.
I have many mixed feelings about it, but one is not fear. God has been preparing me for this long before I knew I was going. He has been faithful and patient with me as I've been on the journey and He will continue to be. I pray God will show me how I can be the change I wish to see in the world. May He guide me in wisdom and discernment in the choices I make. This is my destiny.
In the next 30 days as I gear up for Africa I pray and ask you to pray that God will continue to prepare my heart and teach me what He will for me to be a comfort to these children. That through my actions and my words they will see Christ and His love. God has a perfect plan for each of these little ones! To the world, they seem like nothing but orphaned and abandoned kids, that are of little worth because of the disease existing in their small bodies...but they are precious creations of the Lord!
I pray that God will empty out my mind and heart of meaningless, sinful things and fill me with Him. That He will show me what I need to do, so that nothing hinders me in Africa to do what He has for me to do over there. The last thing I want is for my sinful, selfish self to get in the way of what God has called me to do. Thy will be done Father.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom... wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:13,17
Thank you for your continuing support and prayers.
Love in Christ,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Donations for Lambano

If anyone has anything they would like to donate to Lambano that I will take in one extra suitcase to South Africa that would be awesome! Here is their NEEDS LIST but I asked them if there was anything specific they were in need of the time I would be coming and this was the response:

Wow!! Thanks for your doing that for our children. It would be great if you would collect clothes for our children especially for our older children that would be from the age of 4 – 10 years old. Please don’t ask for toys and baby clothes, we have many toys and baby clothes.
Children’s DVD’s especially Christian would be of great help for us.

So just give any donations to me from this time until January and Lambano would be so grateful!

Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples.
Psalm 77:13-14

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Visa and Itinerary

Got my airline ticket today! Flying out of Seattle on January 11, a layover in London and arrive in Johannesburg on January 12.
Now prayers for my visa application would be appreciated. That it would be approved and I would get it before I leave.
God has been a faithful provider throughout this process so far and everything is coming together. I still feel stress and worry, but when that starts to seep in I remember Gods promises in His Word and hold on to them. His plan will not be thwarted! God has a purpose for me in Africa and will see His plan through!
Thank you for your continuing support and prayers!
In Christ,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Support Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

I want to share a wonderful opportunity I have coming up this year! I have had a heart for missions overseas since I was a child. Almost 2 years ago God called me to Africa and I have been praying about what He will have me do there. God has opened a door!

On January 11, 2011 I will be departing to South Africa for a period of 5 months. I will be volunteering at Lambano Sanctuary located in Wychwood, Johannesburg. Lambano is a sanctuary for HIV+/AIDS abandoned and orphaned children. They offer a loving, caring, Christian environment for the kids. During my time there I will be working in the mornings with the hospice children and babies then in the afternoons assisting as a homework teacher.

My heart is for Africa and the children there. I can’t wait to see how God will use me in these little ones lives! As I prepare to serve the Lord while being on mission, my prayer is that I will live out what it means to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Also as I reflect on what the trials may be of caring for a dying child one thing comes to mind, God is Sovereign! I have a chance to be a comfort to these children and share Jesus with them! :)

I’m excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead! I have been working all summer to raise funds, however, as you can imagine a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people. If you would like to be a part of this mission through your support financially I would be so grateful! Send a check to: Grace Covenant Church, P.O. Box 312, Cashmere, WA or if you attend GCC just put it in the tithe box . All contributions are tax deductible if made out to my church.

Most importantly, I also need your prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allow me to be successful as I follow God’s leading in my ministry in South Africa.

Thank you so much for prayerfully considering if this is something you’d like to participate in. May God bless you for your time and support :)

Love in Christ,